Celebrating 30 years of Fabry Australia with ‘30 Fabry Stories, from the Australian Fabry Community.’ Simon Burrows lives north of Perth, WA. He was diagnosed with Fabry disease in 2012 and has two teenage daughters, both with Fabry. “You learn to live with it. I’m...
Celebrating 30 years of Fabry Australia with ‘30 Fabry Stories, from the Australian Fabry Community.’ Dr Charles Denaro is an internal medicine physician and clinical pharmacologist at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. He’s been treating Fabry patients since 2002....
Celebrating 30 years of Fabry Australia with ‘30 Fabry Stories, from the Australian Fabry Community.’ Ashleigh Clark lives on Sydney’s northern beaches and teaches children’s dance. She’s had Fabry disease since birth. “It’s always in the back of your mind, but I’ve...
Celebrating 30 years of Fabry Australia with ‘30 Fabry Stories, from the Australian Fabry Community.’ Tom McGoram grew up in New Zealand and emigrated to Australia in 1995. He was diagnosed with Fabry disease in 2011 and is on treatment under Australia’s Life Saving...
Celebrating 30 years of Fabry Australia with ‘30 Fabry Stories, from the Australian Fabry Community.’ Jason Williams, 49, is an IT manager who lives on Queensland’s Gold Coast. He was diagnosed with Fabry in 2017 after a routine check-up with his GP. “I’m always...
Celebrating 30 years of Fabry Australia with ‘30 Fabry Stories, from the Australian Fabry Community.’ Mark de Wolf, 53, runs a gardening business and works as a bush regenerator (nature conservation). He was diagnosed with rare disease, Fabry, in 1984. “I know we are...