Adult Clinics
Fabry Disease Clinics in Australia
The list of clinics below are managed by Doctors who have knowledge and experience in caring for patients with Fabry disease. Fabry patients need to bring a GP referral letter with them to the Clinic appointment. It is important for all Fabry patients (male, female, adult and children, on ERT or not on ERT) are seen regularly by a Fabry Clinic to keep a check on the patient’s progression of the disease. Even if patients are not particularly ‘unwell’. Any questions about appointments or to make an appointment, please contact the Fabry Clinic directly. The Clinic appointment cost in Australia is covered by Medicare.
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Professor Ian Chapman
Department of Endocrinology and Metablism
Location: Royal Adelaide Hospital
Phone: +61 8 7074 2673
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (QLD)
Dr Charles Denaro
Internal Medicine & Aged Care
Location: Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital (QLD)
Phone: +61 7 3646 7678
Royal Melbourne Hospital (VIC & TAS)
Location: Royal Melbourne Hospital
Address: Grattan St, Parkville, VIC, 3050
Phone: +61 3 9342 7143
Royal Perth Hospital (WA
Dr Mark Thomas
Location: Royal Perth Hospital
Address: 197 Wellington St, Perth WA 6000
Phone: +61 8 9224 2550 or 8 9224 2244
Westmead Hospital
Dr Michel Tchan & Dr Yusof Rahman
Metabolic Clinic
Location: Westmead Hospital (NSW & ACT)
Phone: +61 2 8890 9780